
French Language Advocates
French Immersion Program Project

After raising the start-up costs and successfully petitioning the Anchorage School Board, the inaugural French Immersion kindergarten class opened at O'Malley Elementary School in August 2019! A new grade within this program will be added each year through the end of high school. French Language Advocates Anchorage will continue to raise funds to support existing and future grades through community cultural events and grant writing.
Your tax deductible donation to our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization will help fund a new grade every year through the end of high school, starting with O'Malley Elementary School in Anchorage.
We'd love your help! From organizing fundraisers to classroom volunteers, we want to grow our dedicated community of Francophones in Alaska.

French Language Advocates Anchorage is dedicated to ensuring the success of the O'Malley French immersion program through fundraising and community cultural events.

French Language Advocates Anchorage (FLAA) is a grassroots non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the French language and intercultural exchange in Alaska through the establishment of a French language immersion program. Our organization has successfully petitioned the school board to implement a school-within-a-school model at O’Malley Elementary, which began in the fall of 2019. The program will be based on the model already utilized within the ASD’s existing immersion programs.
FLAA believes that proficient communication in another language is the first prerequisite to full intercultural immersion. FLAA understands that, in order to increase the possibility of fluency in a second language, exposure must be consistent and delivered in a nurturing environment. Research regarding bilingual/bi-cultural individuals and communities is now opening our eyes to the extent to which foreign language learning positively impacts both cognitive and social-emotional development.